

“King’s water”

Rare and rich in minerals, Chateldon is a delicately sparkling water emerging at the heart of Puy de Dome. It was known at kings ‘courts Louis XIV and Louis XV in Versailles for its advantages, and recommended by kings’ doctors. This unique, aerial and finely sparkling water has never left the prestigious tables.

Atout minéralitéPlaisante, vive et aérienne, Chateldon séduit par la fine pétillance de ses bulles et vous offre ce que la nature a de meilleur : une eau au goût raffiné, à la minéralité exceptionnelle, bicarbonatée et calcique.
Minéralisation moyenne en mg/l
Bicarbonates 2075 Calcium 355
Chlorures 5,5 Magnésium 49
Fluorures 2 Potassium 41
Nitrates <1  Sodium 240


Discover Sources Alma’s ranges

Still mineral waters

Sparkling mineral waters

Glass bottle

Spring waters

Flavored waters

Other drinks

“King’s water”

Rare and rich in minerals, Chateldon is a delicately sparkling water emerging at the heart of Puy de Dome. It was known at kings ‘courts Louis XIV and Louis XV in Versailles for its advantages, and recommended by kings’ doctors. This unique, aerial and finely sparkling water has never left the prestigious tables.


Mineral asset

Pleasant, lively and aerial, Chateldon attracts by the fine sparkle of these bubbles and offer you the best of the nature: water with sophisticated taste, exceptional minerality, bicarbonated and calcic.

Average mineralization in mg/l
Bicarbonates 2075 Calcium 355
Chlorides 5,5 Magnesium 49
Fluorides 2,2 Potassium 41
Nitrates <1  Sodium 240
Sulphates 33