Video recyclage Vichy Célestins
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VICHY Celestins, I feel beautiful, it values me

Vichy Celestins surfaces in Vichy, naturally sparkling with all its unique minerality which is doing its specificity. It is known as mineral since 1861 by the Medicine Academy and was adopted by the “Belles” in Vichy. Its digestive virtues and is the secret for a radiant complexion.
A specific and unique flavour, pleasant and air fine bubbles on the palate.
*Mineral water stimulates digestion. Decree of 14 March 2007


Atout minéralité VICHY Célestins a une très grande richesse minérale dont une teneur exceptionnelle en bicarbonates (2989 mg/l) qui lui confère des vertus reconnues par l’Académie de Médecine depuis 1861.
Minéralisation moyenne en mg/l
Bicarbonates 2989 Calcium 103
Chlorures* 235 Magnésium 10
Fluorures 0,5 Potassium 66
Sulfates 138 Sodium* 1172
*équivaut à 0,53g de chlorure de sodium (sel) par litre.


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Video recyclage Vichy Célestins
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VICHY Celestins, I feel beautiful, it values me

Vichy Celestins surfaces in Vichy, naturally sparkling with all its unique minerality which is doing its specificity. It is known as mineral since 1861 by the Medicine Academy and was adopted by the “Belles” in Vichy. Its digestive virtues and is the secret for a radiant complexion.
A specific and unique flavour, pleasant and air fine bubbles on the palate.
*Mineral water stimulates digestion. Decree of 14 March 2007


Mineral asset

VICHY Celestins is a mineral-rich water with an exceptional content in bicarbonates (2989 mg/l). With an exceptional mineral composition, VICHY Celestins brings to the organism what it needs in the daily life.

Average mineralization in mg/l
Bicarbonates 2989 Calcium 103
Chlorides* 235 Magnesium 10
Fluorides <1,5 Potassium 66
Sulphates 138 Sodium* 1172
*equivalent to 0,39g of sodium chloride (salt) per litter.